Prepping and homesteading is all about getting back to the basics and being self reliant, a huge part of that is having control over your food supply. With a simple Aquaponics system you can have an abundance of healthy organic food (vegetables and fish) year round. So what exactly is Aquaponics? It is the combination of raising fish (aquaculture) and …
Prepper Strategy with Pets
In a disaster situation the priority first and foremost is to keep ourselves and our family safe, so we plan and prepare for any possible danger. Pets are part of the family and need to be included in the planning process. Animals (particularly dogs) can actually be a valuable resource for survival. They have an ability to sense danger long …
Survival Is Your Friend
In this day and age danger can find you at any time or in any place, being prepared for any situation is the key to survival. If terrorism, man made or natural disaster strikes and you are unable to get to a remote location, you need to be prepared for urban survival. Approximately 80% of the population lives in urban …